why I play tennis, and everybody should.

Jack McGary
2 min readJan 7, 2023


Tennis has been a part of my life for a very long time, and I believe it is one of the most beneficial activities out there. From providing me with financial opportunities to providing me with a network of diverse connections, the benefits of playing tennis are multiple. Not to mention it keeps me in shape, is really easy to learn, and does not cost very much.

When I was younger, I joined my local tennis club to take lessons with a coach, who taught me the fundamentals of the game. After a few months of playing casually, I started playing in tournaments. This provided me with valuable financial opportunities, as I could earn money while having fun and doing something healthy. One example was when I won a tournament early in my career and received a prize of two hundred dollars. This motivated me to continue improving and competing, as the financial rewards were quite impactful.

Tennis has also provided me with great connections throughout the years. In addition to meeting new people at tournaments, I have also made contact with all sorts of professionals associated with the sport, such as coaches, event organizers, other players, and even sponsors. These connections are invaluable because I have been able to learn from them and get proper advice on how to better improve.

I play tennis also because of how fun and healthy it is. Due to the physical nature of the sport, I have to constantly move around and run for the ball. This helps keep me in shape, as I am running and using a variety of muscles I wouldn’t otherwise use. I also find enjoyment in the competition of the sport, and even when I’m playing by myself I still find it fun because of the challenge it poses.

Additionally, tennis is relatively cheap to play. Club fees, gear, and other associated costs make it incredibly affordable to play tennis, which means that everyone is able to play.

Tennis has been incredibly beneficial for me in many ways throughout the years. From the ability to earn extra money to the unique connections I’ve made, I believe this is one of the best activities out there. In addition to the financial and connection opportunities, playing tennis has kept me in shape, is really easy to learn, and does not cost that much.



Jack McGary

My name is Jack I write about my experiences, thoughts, and ideas as a 15-year-old.