why everyone should run in the rain

Jack McGary
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Sheets of rain pelted our house and the wind roared up the hill that our house was perched on. It was six am and I was wide awake. The cold air in my room pierced my nose as I lay wrapped in my comforter. I was awake because I had left the window open so I could hear the rain but, did not count on it being so violent. Wanting to do something I put on my shorts grabbed a hat and quietly walked to the garage trying not to disturb my parents who were asleep probably because they did not leave the window open as I had. Opening the garage door I ran out, the rain pounded angst my chest but, excitement filled me. The streets were quiet no lights were on, it was me and the rain. I ran down my block making a left running by all the dead Christmas lights I eventually made another left up a giant hill I kept running until I reached the top. Where the street ended a trial began I ran a little way up it passing the water reservoir and stopped on a mound of rocks looking over it. Finally caught my breath as I stood on the mound. I looked around. The rain had increased and so had my gratitude for my life. So many people could not do what I had just done. I was able to run as fast as I wanted, I was able to see the beauty around me, I was able to hear the rain roar, and I was able to live in a beautiful place.

Everyone should do this if they can at least once a year. If for nothing else it is a good form of exercise but, more than that it is a time to see your neighborhood in a different light than normal. You can be alone and feel lost in the vastness of a place that you know so well. The rain creates different things to look at. The rain creates a different world one that is empty and full at the same time. Whether you can run or just walk it does not matter because nobody is watching no dog walkers no cars no bikers. It is just you and your time to let your brain wander to where ever it wonders to.

Through running in the rain I have learned a lot about myself. The calmness brings me to a place that I can not usually find in my normal busy life. For me, it is a time to reflect and let my thoughts run free. Since it does not rain but, 10 days a year where I live I cherish every time I can do this activity. If you still feel the effects of the pandemic this can be a great time to be totally alone while on a run. To get outside the house and breath the fresh cold air. Being in the open can also strengthen your immune system as well.

Running down the mountain the rain pushed me towards home almost saying get home before you are sick. The water that consumed the street danced with my feet. The cold wind also hauled as I reached the bottom of the hill. One lone car veered slowly out of the driveway its lights dampened by the sheet of rain. Making another right to go up another hill I saw that the light to my kitchen was on. It was the only light on in all of the neighborhood. The welcoming light gave me that extra push to get up the hill. Opening the garage door the warm air from my house filled my lungs. It was the day had just begun and I had already accomplished so much.

Whether it is a short run or a marathon I encourage everyone to go on a run in the rain. Not only to see the beauty that appears when the rain falls but as a time to reflect and get away from the traffic that is our lives.



Jack McGary

My name is Jack I write about my experiences, thoughts, and ideas as a 15-year-old.