Don’t Buy A Mous Case It Is a Scam

Jack McGary
4 min readSep 4, 2020


I first saw this ad for this case six months ago after I got a new phone. my phone before had cracked due to my careless and clumsy nature. The ads for this phone case seemed promising, it showed people throwing phones from cranes and cliffs. each time they turned over the phone nothing had happened it was perfect but, even the pattened aro shock technology could not protect my phone from the horribly designed case.

my bent phone

The first problem was the natural curve that the case had. the curve was meant to make it easy for the user to slide their finger from the side of the phone onto the screen. This did make it more natural for my finger, but more costly for the phone. The curve made the phone ready to bend. any pressure and the phone was already able to bend because of the curve. It was almost certain that the phone was going to bend. around two months into having the phone, I took it out of the case and realized that it had bent. the case did not show the bend because of the natural curve it had. This case might not bend if you don't use it as I do. The case might never cause any problems. But the case Is not worth the money. There are better cases for the same price or cheaper.

notice the bend on the case. This was supposed to make it easier for a finger to move on and off the phone

Furthermore, the warranty Does not cover what it should. It has a two-year warranty but does not cover normal wear and tear or from accidental drops. This makes no sense because the ability to drop the phone from very high is their main selling point. Another great case Otter box Has a seven-year warranty on phone and computer cases which is so long it is more likely that you will have a new computer by then. The warranty also includes normal wear and tear. My Mous case apart from bending my phone was almost split in two after just six months.

The two-part case

Unlike the Ottorbox, Mous cases are not one solid piece of plastic. mouse cases have two parts the back and the sides which are attached by glue. The glue naturally wheres down after time, This is why there is no warranty for normal wear and tear. It seems that The creators of the phone hoped that people will see the commercials and think “wow if I accidentally drop it from my apartment it will survive. This must be the most durable case out there.” so they Buy It, but If you buy it and actually use the case like it is meant to be used, a durable case that protects from small drops, it falls apart. That's why the warranty only covers defects in the manufacturing of the product.

the terrible screen protector after 3 months

The phone also came with a screen protector but not a good one. They chose the cheapest type they could send. They sent a plastic one which has very bad stickiness. usually, for a 55 dollar phone case, they come with a tempered glass protector, but the Mous case came with a plastic one which is usually 40–50 percent cheaper. This Why the case may be considered a scam. They lie to you that It is durable when in fact it is flimsy. they took some cost cuts like cheap glue bad screen protector.

The Mous case works best for people who do not move their phones much. the reviews that are positive are from businessmen who keep their phones on the desk all day not the people who constantly move their phones from their backpack to their pockets to their hand like most kids in school. If you want an A phone case that protects Your phone, Do a little research before buying It that way you will not make the same mistakes that I do.

If you want to learn about something else that is interesting check out how MSG got a bad reputation from a xenophobic article. And it's comeback.

or check out how 1000s of whales are being killed by ordering online.



Jack McGary

My name is Jack I write about my experiences, thoughts, and ideas as a 15-year-old.